Research professor
Postdoctorate The
Third Military Medical University 2011
Center for Joint Surgery, Southwest Hospital ((the
first affiliated hospital of the Third Military Medical
Cooperation professor: Liu Yang
Major: Biomechanics and tissue engineering
Research subject: tissue engineering
cartilage bionic preparation and product research
Ph.D. The Third Military
Medical University , 2008
Orthopedics department, Southwest Hospital ((the first
affiliated hospital of the Third Military Medical
Major: Orthopedics
Research subject: tissue engineering bionic cartilage
design and primary plan
M.S. The Third Military
Medical University 2005
Major: Military medicine
B.S. The Third Military
Medical University 2002
Major: Clinical medicine
1996.7—2000.9 surgeon and teaching assistant ,department
of orthopedics, the 51th Hospital
2008.7—2009.3 attending doctor and lecturer, center
for Joint Surgery, Southwest Hospital
2008—2010 visiting scholar, Harvard University
2011.3—present associate chief physician, associate
professor, center for Joint Surgery, Southwest Hospital